Friday, February 4, 2011


God just continues to surprise me and like my mom says "embarrass me with blessings!" It's amazing, but I just find myself feeling speechless. Take for example today. I have no idea how this happened except for the fact that it was the Big Man doing it. So this school year I received this Language fellowship which was just AWESOME cause it was like heeeyyy money in the bank! LOL. Well, it hadn't dawned on me until a week before the deadline that I could apply again next year. By then I was thinking ok, I just won't apply for next year, maybe I'll apply for the summer. After hours searching for a way to combine both the summer fellowship (if I got it) and a summer internship or classes, I realized, doing both was not feasible due to overlapping dates. Womps. So I kinda resigned, or was slowly resigning to doing neither. That is, till 1:47pm actually, when I received an email from my professor asking if and why I wasn't applying for the fellowship again next year. Mind you the application is due TODAY. So, here's my response:

Step 1: Send email 1 back- Some excuse
Step 2: Realize that God might be using the prof to speak to me
Step 3: Send email 2- Wait can you write me a recommendation?!!?
Step 4: Send email 3- Here's my resume etc. I know it's last minute!
Step 5: Fill out app
Step 6: Contact another professor I'm close with, Praying and hoping, the prof can do this last minute
Step 7: Ugghhhh 1 page essay

Well I would just like to say that less than two hours later, my apps have been turned in, including BOTH letters of recommendation, and other materials. How did that happen?? God I tell you. I'm still in shock. Here I was praying, my professors get the email before midnight and have some energy to write something...but BAM! TWO HOURS.....whaaattt???!!! unheard off.

Can I just brag right now?? I'm a blessed child. That's all I can say.


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