Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Something else....

Just a quicky, but I feel like God is building my relationship with people I would have never thought I'ld be close with. It's interesting cause just a couple of weeks ago, nothing existed and matter of fact, I would never have though something WOULD. Frankly because of my pride and judgment/ disapproval. Anyway, somehow something formed, and I'm just like God, what is it you want me to do with this??? Cause I know this relationship was created for a purpose. And I don't want to miss my cue in your plan, so what's up???

Just thought I'ld share.


God just continues to surprise me and like my mom says "embarrass me with blessings!" It's amazing, but I just find myself feeling speechless. Take for example today. I have no idea how this happened except for the fact that it was the Big Man doing it. So this school year I received this Language fellowship which was just AWESOME cause it was like heeeyyy money in the bank! LOL. Well, it hadn't dawned on me until a week before the deadline that I could apply again next year. By then I was thinking ok, I just won't apply for next year, maybe I'll apply for the summer. After hours searching for a way to combine both the summer fellowship (if I got it) and a summer internship or classes, I realized, doing both was not feasible due to overlapping dates. Womps. So I kinda resigned, or was slowly resigning to doing neither. That is, till 1:47pm actually, when I received an email from my professor asking if and why I wasn't applying for the fellowship again next year. Mind you the application is due TODAY. So, here's my response:

Step 1: Send email 1 back- Some excuse
Step 2: Realize that God might be using the prof to speak to me
Step 3: Send email 2- Wait can you write me a recommendation?!!?
Step 4: Send email 3- Here's my resume etc. I know it's last minute!
Step 5: Fill out app
Step 6: Contact another professor I'm close with, Praying and hoping, the prof can do this last minute
Step 7: Ugghhhh 1 page essay

Well I would just like to say that less than two hours later, my apps have been turned in, including BOTH letters of recommendation, and other materials. How did that happen?? God I tell you. I'm still in shock. Here I was praying, my professors get the email before midnight and have some energy to write something...but BAM! TWO HOURS.....whaaattt???!!! unheard off.

Can I just brag right now?? I'm a blessed child. That's all I can say.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Haha God is so funny, amazing, wonderful...shall I go on??

I just got the most wonderful wake up alarm today. So there's different ways God speaks to people- street signs, any sort of thing really, for me He uses people and I mean I'ld been feeling a little under the weather lately and had such a frustrating, downer the other day. And yesterday what happens??

I end up having a late night convo with a friend I haven't seen recently--> went on till like 3am. AWESSSOOOMMEE. And today it was just like people approaching me and just having these wonderfully pleasant conversations and I'm like haha God you're so funny. Here I was on the path of some self-pity rant and God say no no no, and floods my surroundings with just the most amazing people. It really lifted my spirit. Can you say Halleluyah??

I'ld say Amen to that!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Learning to trust...

I'm not in the driver's seat, I don't have the map, but Lord you do. Yup, I'm learning to trust in you.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Everything you do = Act of Worship

I know I've been talking about worship a lot, "worship this...worship that" but I mean IT IS what we're created for. So I've been practicing or rather attempting to keep in my mind that everything I do can be an act of worship to God. And I have to testify, it gives me a TOTALLY different outlook. Most evident to me right now is at my track practices (side note: I'm an athlete). Just repeating over and over "act of worship to God", and keeping in my mind that this workout isn't to please myself, isn't to please my coach, but rather God, has been very rewarding. I'm like shoot, I don't want to disappoint God; I have to use this body he gave me and make him proud. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just been really rewarding for me.

On a different note, school is officially back in yay?? In the midst of everything, especially my hectic schedule, it now becomes really crucial to keep my eyes on God..MUST...NOT...LOOK...AWAY. I'm really glad I abstained from Facebook for the past 10 days (just ended a couple of minutes ago). I haven't gone on the site, but it's like hold up...I abstained from Facebook at a time known for high potential for boredom, and the increased use of social networking sites aka winter break, PAUSE...I seriously made it through! All thanks to the Holy Spirit I must add. Self-control hasn't been my strongest point and this is definitely the longest I've been off the site. It makes me realize that if I can abstain from it during the winter break, I can definitely control my usage during the school year. 

Control Facebook usage = more time for productivity

I love it!! And the main thing I gained?? More time in the Word. I had all this extra time I wasn't using on Facebook and it was like um, what to do now? OK I'll read the bible, I'll search for good Christian music etc.  And of course it enabled me to write here more often. All in all, it was an awesome time. NO regrets. 

I'm so psyched about Self-control....its the fruit of the spirit! Woot woot!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Switching it up everyday!

So here’s something I found interesting: the different names of God. It’s always fun to switch it up sooooo I'm gonna practice saying a different one each day. There's so many to choose from!

Names of God (Hebrew):

  1. EL: God (“mighty, strong, prominent”)
  2. ELOHIM: God (“as Creator, Preserver, Transcendent, Mighty and Strong”)
  3. EL SHADDAI: God Almighty or "God All Sufficient
  4. ADONAI: "Master'' or "Lord"
  5. JEHOVAH: (Yahweh) "The Self-Existent One," "I AM WHO I AM"
  6. JEHOVAH-JIREH: "The Lord will Provide."
  7. JEHOVAH-ROPHE: "The Lord Who Heals"
  8. JEHOVAH-NISSI: "The Lord Our Banner"
  9. JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH: "The Lord Who Sanctifies"
  10. JEHOVAH-SHALOM: "The Lord Our Peace"
  12. JUDGE
  14. JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU: "The Lord Our Righteousness"
  15. JEHOVAH-ROHI: "The Lord Our Shepherd"
  16. JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH: "The Lord is There"
  17. JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: "The Lord of Hosts"
  18. EL ELYON: 'Most High"
  19. ABIR: 'Mighty One', ("to be strong")
  20. BRANCH: The branch
  21. KADOSH: "Holy One"
  22. SHAPHAT: "Judge"
  23. EL ROI: "God of Seeing"
  24. KANNA: "Jealous" (zealous)
  25. PALET: "Deliverer"
  26. YESHUA: "Savior" ("he will save")
  27. GAOL: "Redeemer" (to buy back by paying a price)
  28. MAGEN: "Shield"
  29. STONE
  30. EYALUTH: "Strength"
  31. TSADDIQ: "Righteous One"
  32. EL-OLAM: "Everlasting God"
  33. EL-BERITH: "God of the Covenant"
  34. EL-GIBHOR: Mighty God
  35. TSUR: "God our Rock"
  36. MELEKH: "King"
  37. FATHER
  38. Alpha and Omega: "The first and the last" (Greek)
  39. IMMANUEL, or EMMANUEL, or IMANUEL: "God with us."

Even more:
  • Ancient of days
  • Angel of the Lord (seen in the theopanies)
  • Shepherd of the Sheep
  • King of kings; Lord of lords
  • Chief Cornerstone
  • Rock

Source: Click HERE

I know it’s a lot, but I love been able to say my father’s name in so many ways. Love Love Love it.
