Thursday, January 27, 2011


Haha God is so funny, amazing, wonderful...shall I go on??

I just got the most wonderful wake up alarm today. So there's different ways God speaks to people- street signs, any sort of thing really, for me He uses people and I mean I'ld been feeling a little under the weather lately and had such a frustrating, downer the other day. And yesterday what happens??

I end up having a late night convo with a friend I haven't seen recently--> went on till like 3am. AWESSSOOOMMEE. And today it was just like people approaching me and just having these wonderfully pleasant conversations and I'm like haha God you're so funny. Here I was on the path of some self-pity rant and God say no no no, and floods my surroundings with just the most amazing people. It really lifted my spirit. Can you say Halleluyah??

I'ld say Amen to that!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Learning to trust...

I'm not in the driver's seat, I don't have the map, but Lord you do. Yup, I'm learning to trust in you.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Everything you do = Act of Worship

I know I've been talking about worship a lot, "worship this...worship that" but I mean IT IS what we're created for. So I've been practicing or rather attempting to keep in my mind that everything I do can be an act of worship to God. And I have to testify, it gives me a TOTALLY different outlook. Most evident to me right now is at my track practices (side note: I'm an athlete). Just repeating over and over "act of worship to God", and keeping in my mind that this workout isn't to please myself, isn't to please my coach, but rather God, has been very rewarding. I'm like shoot, I don't want to disappoint God; I have to use this body he gave me and make him proud. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just been really rewarding for me.

On a different note, school is officially back in yay?? In the midst of everything, especially my hectic schedule, it now becomes really crucial to keep my eyes on God..MUST...NOT...LOOK...AWAY. I'm really glad I abstained from Facebook for the past 10 days (just ended a couple of minutes ago). I haven't gone on the site, but it's like hold up...I abstained from Facebook at a time known for high potential for boredom, and the increased use of social networking sites aka winter break, PAUSE...I seriously made it through! All thanks to the Holy Spirit I must add. Self-control hasn't been my strongest point and this is definitely the longest I've been off the site. It makes me realize that if I can abstain from it during the winter break, I can definitely control my usage during the school year. 

Control Facebook usage = more time for productivity

I love it!! And the main thing I gained?? More time in the Word. I had all this extra time I wasn't using on Facebook and it was like um, what to do now? OK I'll read the bible, I'll search for good Christian music etc.  And of course it enabled me to write here more often. All in all, it was an awesome time. NO regrets. 

I'm so psyched about Self-control....its the fruit of the spirit! Woot woot!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Switching it up everyday!

So here’s something I found interesting: the different names of God. It’s always fun to switch it up sooooo I'm gonna practice saying a different one each day. There's so many to choose from!

Names of God (Hebrew):

  1. EL: God (“mighty, strong, prominent”)
  2. ELOHIM: God (“as Creator, Preserver, Transcendent, Mighty and Strong”)
  3. EL SHADDAI: God Almighty or "God All Sufficient
  4. ADONAI: "Master'' or "Lord"
  5. JEHOVAH: (Yahweh) "The Self-Existent One," "I AM WHO I AM"
  6. JEHOVAH-JIREH: "The Lord will Provide."
  7. JEHOVAH-ROPHE: "The Lord Who Heals"
  8. JEHOVAH-NISSI: "The Lord Our Banner"
  9. JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH: "The Lord Who Sanctifies"
  10. JEHOVAH-SHALOM: "The Lord Our Peace"
  12. JUDGE
  14. JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU: "The Lord Our Righteousness"
  15. JEHOVAH-ROHI: "The Lord Our Shepherd"
  16. JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH: "The Lord is There"
  17. JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: "The Lord of Hosts"
  18. EL ELYON: 'Most High"
  19. ABIR: 'Mighty One', ("to be strong")
  20. BRANCH: The branch
  21. KADOSH: "Holy One"
  22. SHAPHAT: "Judge"
  23. EL ROI: "God of Seeing"
  24. KANNA: "Jealous" (zealous)
  25. PALET: "Deliverer"
  26. YESHUA: "Savior" ("he will save")
  27. GAOL: "Redeemer" (to buy back by paying a price)
  28. MAGEN: "Shield"
  29. STONE
  30. EYALUTH: "Strength"
  31. TSADDIQ: "Righteous One"
  32. EL-OLAM: "Everlasting God"
  33. EL-BERITH: "God of the Covenant"
  34. EL-GIBHOR: Mighty God
  35. TSUR: "God our Rock"
  36. MELEKH: "King"
  37. FATHER
  38. Alpha and Omega: "The first and the last" (Greek)
  39. IMMANUEL, or EMMANUEL, or IMANUEL: "God with us."

Even more:
  • Ancient of days
  • Angel of the Lord (seen in the theopanies)
  • Shepherd of the Sheep
  • King of kings; Lord of lords
  • Chief Cornerstone
  • Rock

Source: Click HERE

I know it’s a lot, but I love been able to say my father’s name in so many ways. Love Love Love it.


A living sacrifice

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." - Romans 12:1

A couple of things:

1. True worship (which we should do everyday, every minute) happens when you give yourself completely to God- you SURRENDER
 2. The problem with a living sacrifice is that it can crawl off the alter, so you may have to re-surrender your life fifty times a day. It must become a daily habit.

sources: Bible, The Purpose Driven Life


Sunday, January 9, 2011

One of my favorite things....

I love to write and I really do thank God for this outlet.
I've had a journal since I was in 3rd grade. Yes, seriously that long. I remember my aunt seeing it in 3rd grade and threatening to tell my mom what I wrote in there about a girl in my class...oh dear. Anyway, clearly I've been a writer for a very long time. I started writing poems in 7th grade and sadly I've had long periods where I don't write a poem or two (excuses include "too busy" etc), but I truly love LOVE been able to just create out of the imagination of the mind, a piece. Well here's a poem I wrote during the summer. I decided to put it up, so hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Showers of Blessings

I am so immensely blessed to have a mother after God's heart. The amount of trust and faith she has in God surprises me sometimes, but mayne if you knew the amount of blessings that came her way, its unbelieveable, i mean literally UNBELIEVABLE. I ran up to her room a few minutes ago to tell her amazing news--> Refund deposit from school, which is amazing considering I haven't paid a dime yet---Tell me how she had even BIGGER testimonies to tell me?? AMAZING. God TRULY is AMAZING!! She reminded me that if you trust in God, put him first, talk to him, HE WILL LISTEN. Point blank, honest truth. And obedience is key, ladies and gents, please always remember to pay your tithes.


Strum Strum Strumming away!

I realized I forgot to share the good news. Drums please.....I FINALLY GOT MYSELF A GUITAR! Woot woot!!! I've been trying to get one since 1st semester Freshmen year, so basically a year now, and well things never just quite worked out, but I told my roommate before I left winter break, "I'm definitely coming back with a guitar. Just watch." And tada! lol. Weeeeell I've been practicing this bad boy for almost a week now. I would love looovee to play along during my family group (bible study on campus). I already learned a song, David Crowder's "How He Loves Me." I mean I NEED more practice, but it's getting there =D

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Reason for Everything

As mentioned earlier, I'm reading "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren (I'll reference it as TPDL). Last night I read the 7th chapter/ 7th day. And it spoke about GLORY. Of course, I was like ding ding, that's what this blog was built on, for the very purpose of glorifying God. Well the chapter itself was very interesting, so I thought I'd share some things.

Ques: How can I bring glory to God?

1. By worshiping him
"Worship is a lifestyle of enjoying God, loving him, and giving ourselves to be used for his purposes. When you use your life for God's glory, everything you do can become an act of worship."- (TPDL)
2. By loving other believers
"Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified." - Romans 15:7
3. By becoming like Christ
"Spiritual maturity is becoming like Jesus in the way we think, feel, and act." - (TPDL)
4. By serving others with our gifts
"God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts...Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory." - 1 Peter 4:10-11
5. By telling others about him

Main Point:
"Living the rest of your life for the glory of God will require a CHANGE in your priorities, your schedule, your relationships, and everything else." - (TPDL)
All in all, I feel like this calls for a re-evaluation of my priorities, schedule, etc. Yup, I'm gonna need to talk to God in prayer bout this.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite worship songs.


Monday, January 3, 2011

DAY 1....(Un)successful

Water fast ended at 5pm today (Hangs head in shame). I wasn't even hungry, no growling stomach, nothing. I was busy playing my guitar when my mom insisted I eat something. FYI she doesn't know I'm fasting. I've been a tad bit sick. Runny nose, constant sneezing, headaches (gone now Thank God), and she said how in order to get better I need to eat. Weeeeell it was like I was looking for some excuse to break it, cause I went to the kitchen and grabbed some cookies...4 cookies. Then Brown rice with General Tso's tofu (my brother made it from a recipe) and then some vegetable couscous (also made by my brother) and a peanut butter sandwich. Mmm....Glutton much? Si.

I'm thinking about modifying it to 6pm at night. Yes, I'm still gona continue with this. I haven't been on facebook all day (yay!) and I'm sure I won't be on till the 12th. It's just the food thing that's an issue. Ugh, I WASN'T even hungry! Sigh. I just ate to eat.

Anyway, tomorrow's another day. I did my devotions, reading etc like I said. I just....suck at self-control when it comes to food. Hence a department I need God to help me with.

Till next time. Adios!

Pre-Day 1...Kinda

Starting January 3, I will be embark on a 5 day water fast as well as a 10 day fast from facebook. Today is TECHNICALLY the 3rd even though it 12:02 am, but I'm still gona write another post, so lets just call this the pre-day 1 post. The water fast is something I've always wanted to do, and I feel like with the beginning of the year, this is a perfect time to really zero in on God. I'm currently reading "A Purpose Driven Life" and I am just yearning for that renewal of the mind, and that fervent thirst and hunger for God. I just want God to re-ignite my passion for him, and what better way to seek his face and truly focus on God but by fasting. I would do a juice fast, but considering that I don't own a juicer, and every other fast is so easy i.e. not eating meat (I don't really) etc. I know something like no food for 24 hrs sounds painful to me. Sigh, yes i said it, i love food, I LOOOOOVEE food, and sometimes i over do it with food. Emotional eater? yes, unfortunately that's me.

Anyway, I plan to document this journey everyday. The facebook fast was incited by a friend who is doing it till the 12th. So I said hey why not cut out that distraction as well. Ahhh this is truly a test. So what I'm I going to do with that free time? Weeeell:

1. My daily Bible reading
2. Purpose Driven Life
3. Pray Your Way to Breakthrough (book of prayers)
4. B-1 bible reading (my family group)
5. Meditation and re-evaluation of self and activities

That's what I have so far. I actually have a cold right now, so maybe this cold will disappear as well. Hopefully.

Anyway that's it. Ciao!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Romans 12:2

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.