Monday, August 30, 2010

To Date or Not to Date?

Currently Playing: Fresh 
Artist: Rhema Soul ft. G. Styles

So Saturday night I went to a House of Chayah Rap Session which is just young adults meeting and talking about real life situations, and at the end of it all, worshiping God with our voices. I have to be honest, my experience was dope, dope, DOPE across the board. The discussion was about love and relationships and it was led by a young married couple who were so honest and transparent about their relationship and its beginnings. I must say, it was very refreshing. One surprising moment during the night was when they asked people to raise their hands if they were relationships. And if they were, WHY they were in the relationship. I was incredibly surprised when only two hands out of the everyone- mind you this was a packed room- were up. I looked around and was like wait, so all these fine brothers and sisters are all single?? WHAAT?!

Okay okay, I myself I'm single and have been for almost three years, mostly by choice. I've developed a negative image on dating based largely on observations of friends and their relationships as well as personal experience. I see relationships as energy and time consuming. And I mean there's nothing wrong with that, but if I'm in a relationship, I'ld like to think I'm giving my all and holding NOTHING back and the only way that's gonna happen is if I'm marrying you, or there's a potential of marriage. If there isn't, then you're simply a waste of time. I've been through enough pain and don't see any reason to "practice" some more or "learn from mistakes"  before marriage. What I'm I practicing for, or learning for, if my marriage will NOT be like these useless relationships? Anyway that's just my philosophy and I was surprised a good number of the audience felt that way too. Mmm who knew?

The most important thing that was stressed is building a strong relationship with God FIRST before starting a romantic relationship with the opposite sex. It's right there in 2 Timothy 2: 22 (So flee from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart). The relationship with the opposite sex should also start as a friendship. When you're friends with someone, you know the person's characteristics, their weaknesses and strengths and from there you can decipher if you want to invest your time into building a closer relationships. Because you know them, you know if they meet your standards (which should include a close relationship with God: 2 Corinthians 6:14). The question is will he/she help you grow STRONGER in Christ? If not, then you know it's gonna be the opposite, just back away from that and keep it moving.

Dating is getting in a relationship with someone without knowing much about the person, but then hoping to find out more through the experience and that is truly where the trouble comes in. You make yourself vulnerable to pain when you don't know what kind of person you are dating. The bible says "guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life" -Proverbs 4:23 So one shouldn't careless give one's heart away, I mean it should be considered a precious gift, worthy only for someone who you could possibly see yourself with for the rest of your earthly life.

On that note, what about someone you see potential in? Well Pastor Justin from P4CM (Click me!) has 15 questions he strongly recommends women ask the man before getting in the relationship. Enjoy!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Go Buck!

Currently Playing: Go Buck
Artist: FLAME (rap)

So lately, I've been coming across discussions on Christians and secular music and movies. I recently decided to stop listening to secular music, partially motivated by Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" music video and Kanye's "I sold my soul to the devil" statement- I know, shame shame. It really shouldn't have taken me so long to say no to Kanye's music, Jay-Z, and the rest of them. Anyway, I saw this video a couple of days ago regarding secular music and I must say, they hit the nail right on the head.

I also came across this video talking about Christians and movie watching. Also good stuff. Oh yea the blog is: Desiring God (Click me!) Good stuff there too

I thank God for Pandora, it's been giving me some awesome Christian music. Even some artists like Cartel which I love listening to, I'm like yo, they're Christian?? And then some ill Christian rap artists too. I'm like wow, I'm loving this! So, if you wonder why I always have a currently playing song at the beginning of each post, it's because I'm trying to expose you to some really cool Christian songs and artists. If you check them out, you might find yourself hooked too. Remember, if the music isn't glorifying God, then who is it glorifying? Just something to think about. Till next time, Ciao!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Live Out Loud!

Currently playing: Live Out Loud
Artist: Steven Curtis Chapman

Last week I was reading through Galatians and today I just want to focus on three particular verses. As school slowly approaches, I have been reflecting on this coming year and how it SHOULD be and WILL be different from last year. There's so much going on in college and it's so easy to get caught up with it all and put God on the back burn or only for those times we feel we reeeeaaaallly really need Him. However, the truth is that, as an ambassador for Christ, my daily actions should be a reflection of Christ in me. Keeping that in mind, here are the verses:
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ"- Galatians 1:10
"But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel I said unto Peter before them all, if thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?"- Galatians 2:14
"By now after that ye have known God or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggerly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?"Galatians 4:9

The first verse is about being a people pleaser and putting people on a higher pedestal than God. The thing is that, it's so easy to that, to want to fit in with the world around you. Whether it be getting tipsy or drunk with friends, using our tongue to cause damage, or simply not telling friends the WHOLE truth about the gospel (Jesus is the ONE and ONLY way to eternal life) and just telling them what they might want to hear, the truth of the matter is those actions are done to blend in with men, in other words pleasing men and not God. If friends call you a lame for not going clubbing or maybe drinking with them, that's awesome. As Christians, we are called to stand out and our actions should be pleasing to God.

When I first read the second verse, I was like, yo, is Paul talking about me? This verse is basically bout being a hypocrite. I mean it's common sense. If you are a Christian and you go about doing things of the world, who are you then to tell non-believers about living a Christ-like life? It's pure hypocrisy. Earlier this summer, I have to admit, a good number of my actions were contradictory to how God calls us to live, and yet I had no problems saying I'm a Christian. So what then differentiates me from my non-believing friends when we all engaged in the same actions? Nothing. On that note, I'm proud to say, (with God's help) I'm now an EX-hypocrite and oh yea I'm getting a shirt to broadcast it. (Click here) 

The last verse speaks for itself. You simply can't mis-interpret it. If you are saved and I mean you KNOW about God's love, why then turn back to your previous ways? I know it's easy to say, but acting on it is the challenge. Well, that's my challenge for this year: not running back into bondage. It sounds so much worse when it's said like that. BONDAGE. But hey that's exactly what it is, the life of sin, is a life of bondage.

Well with that being said, I challenge you all, especially those going back to college, to join me in living by these verses this upcoming school year. Till next time, Ciao!

Boomin' out the stereo system!

Currently Playing: "Boomin'"
Artist: TobyMac

It is 3:01 AM right now. While a normal human being should be asleep at this time, this is not my case. It all began about two hours ago when I grabbed my blanket and reached for my bible and journal. I couldn't sleep so I figured I might as well read, eventually sleep would come pounding at my door (PAUSE) Just a side note but my mom always says if you can't sleep at night, just grab the Bible and you'll fall asleep. The devil doesn't want you reading the Word, so all of a sudden you'll find yourself nodding off. Ah, it's the truth! Anyway, I got distracted when I thought of my friend's newly created blog and then somehow I was lead to a Christian blog and then to another Christian blog and then another...and then I started thinking,

mm whatever happened to that blog I was gonna use as my Bible journal

That little thought sparked it all. 

Hence the creation of this blog. While browsing and reading blogs, I came across something called the "The Five Solas of the Reformation." I had never heard of it till now, and I was like Bingo! I just found the title of the blog. Soli Deo Gloria! It describes my desire for my actions; in everything I do may it be pleasing in His eyes and to the glory of His name.

The Five Solas (Click me!)
Sola Scriptura: The Scripture Alone is the Standard
Soli Deo Gloria! For the Glory of God Alone
Solo Christo! By Christ's Work Alone are We Saved
Sola Gratia: Salvation by Grace Alone
Sola Fide: Justification by Faith Alone

"And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ" Romans 1:6. The name of this blog came entirely from the Holy Spirit. I was actually looking for a different translation of Romans 1:16 but omitted the 1. When I read the verse, I was like whooaaa! Hold up, did I just read that? I grabbed my own bible to read the preceding verses and was like this verse 6 is wassup! And then I found a sermon by John Piper (pastor) on that particular verse online- mind you I wasn't even looking for this. I read it and in all honesty, was little speechless and excited at the same time. Here's the link by the way: Romans 1:6-7 (Click me!)

As I write this entry, I find myself at peace. Yes, sleep might just be in sight! However, before I sign out, I just want to introduce my theme for this coming school year. 

"Every place that the sole of your feet shall tread upon that have I given unto you." Joshua 1:3
"This day will I begin to magnify thee..." Joshua 3:7

I don't know how to explain it, but my God is AMAZING. Like truly amazing and I'm hoping that others may see that through this blog. Ciao!